Sources of Catholic Dogma, The: from the Thirtieth Edition of Henry Denzinger's Enchiridion Symbolorum
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from the Thirtieth Edition of Henry Denzinger's Enchiridion Symbolorum 2009 720p [reprint of 1957 ed] / Roy J. Deferrari, tr. Book Condition: New. #55712 $32
In this age of doctrinal latitude and speculative innovation there is a pressing need for a comprehensive source book on authentic Catholic dogma that is magisterially anchored while at the same time both practical and non-voluminous. It is this English translation of Fr. Heinrich Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum. Since it was first published a century and a half ago, this handbook or collection (enchiridion) of articles (symbols in Latin) of faith and morals has enjoyed universal appeal and approbation since the pontificate of Blessed Pope Pius IX. The Enchiridion has been updated periodically; the edition being offered here by PCP is that issued in 1957. The collection includes all articles and creeds of the Catholic Faith beginning with that of the twelve apostles, all dogmatic definitions stamped with the Petrine authority of the apostolic See (ex cathedra), decrees of the solemn magisterium, papal bulls, encyclicals and letters, as well as some of the more weighty decisions of the Holy Office prior to 1957. Although not every entry in this 653 page compendium (with an additional 67 pages of indexes) of Church teaching is definitional (i.e., ex cathedra) it still should be considered the "locutus est" for every wayfaring Catholic whose patria, this side of heaven, is Rome. In addition to a general index there is a scriptural index plus an invaluable systematic or topical index making for very easy reference. Note, too, this edition (reprinted for a 2nd time in 2020) comes with the 16 corrections that PCP, Inc. inserted into the text and that must be applied to errors (usually omissions) that escaped the eyes of editors in previous editions. Freshly reprinted on fine natural-colored paper and handsomely hardbound in a navy blue cloth cover with silver embossing on the cover and spine, this important theological reference book makes a great addition to any bookshelf, always ready for referral. Product #55712.
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