In Heaven We Know Our Own; or, Solace for the Suffering [a short treatise, in a letter format, on heaven & secondary happiness in eternity, explaining the love of those whom we have loved in this world]
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In Heaven We Know Our Own; or, Solace for the Suffering - Blot, Fr, SJ / tr. by a Lady 2013 186p [reprint of 1860's Benziger English ed] sewn hardback with colorful dust jacket
Fr. Blot’s 19th century classic, In Heaven We Know Our Own, went through at least 2 English US editions in the 1860’s by the Benziger Brothers, as far as we know. There may have been an early 20th century edition as well. As for the original French editions and printings, we don’t have any information on that for sure. We know that the English edition we have now reprinted was translated from the 7th French edition. What then is the background of this book and its importance? The book is a series of letters written to a young Catholic mother whose child had just recently died. Fr Blot, sick himself at the time of his writing her, seeks to console the poor woman in her heartbroken grief. Because of whom he was writing for, Fr Blot focused on the accidental or secondary beatitude or happiness of heaven. He explained to her (and to us) how the family will be united again and how Our Lord may sometimes let sorrow come upon us for unknown reasons. This book is a truly comforting and uplifting work. What exactly is “secondary beatitude?” It is, as Fr Blot explains, all the “extra” joys of heaven. Families are reunited, good friends see each other, and all earthly sacrifice or suffering is amply rewarded. Drawing from our rich Catholic heritage and tradition, Fr Blot quotes Scripture, St Thomas, St Robert Bellarmine, Dante and tells us what heaven will be like. What an amazing book on eternal happiness! Product # 89030
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